Space Economy
ESA seeks to ensure a sustainable growth of the European space sector and the creation of value to society, from basic research to service development.
Space Economy activities at ESA have four priorities:
- Monitor the space sector globally and Europe’s competitiveness
- Establish strategic partnerships, notably with the OECD, Eurostat and the EC JRC, and CERN
- Evaluate the social, economic and environmental impacts of space
- Provide the secretariat of the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce, ECSECO
ESA Report on the Space Economy 2025
The ESA Report on the Space Economy 2025 was published in March
2025. The full report is accessible here.The document provides an annual update on the status and
trends of the space economy, both globally and on the position of Europe s...
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ESA Discovery - Understanding the impact of ESA early R&D on Europe’s innovation and research
Technology is at the heart of any space activity, and the foundation of ESA programmes. A primary objective throughout the agency is to develop mission enabling technologies, while also investing in potentially game-changing ones. Across directorates...
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ESA FutureEO - Foundation for Europe's innovation and research
Resarch and
development is at the heart of any space activity, and the foundation of ESA
programmes. The
FutureEO Earth Observation Programme works with European institutions and
industry to progress novel research and technologies to ...
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Create accountEvaluating the social, economic and environmental impacts of space in support of ESA Council at Ministerial level.
The programmes implemented through the European Space Agency
significantly contribute to Europe’s leadership in science, technology, and innovation.
With some of the most advanced satellites in Earth observation, communications,
and navigation, as well as world-renowned science and exploration missions, ESA
programmes provide crucial solutions for monitoring, early warning systems, and
supporting employment and growth while inspiring and protecting future generations.
In 2025, Ministers from ESA's 22 Member States will decide on the next space
missions that will play a critical role in supporting European nations in overcoming
challenges such as climate change, civil security, sustainable economy, and
In preparation for this 2025 Ministerial Meeting (CM25), independent socio-economic
impact studies are currently underway. Their objective is to provide robust insights
into the social, economic, and environmental impacts of Europe’s investment in ESA
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