ESA title


Post-crisis scenarios for the space industryFeb 2021

In October 2020, Steve Bochinger, Euroconsult’s Chief Operating Officer, presented “The day after tomorrow: Post-crisis scenarios for the space industry” to ESA.The purpose of this presentation was to give a pre-crisis overview of the spa...
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Resilience of the space sector to the Covid-19 crisisFeb 2021

In October 2020, Luigi Scatteia, PwC’s Space Practice Leader gave a virtual presentation of the study “Resilience of the space sector to the Covid-19 crisis – Overview and comparison to other selected industrial sectors” to ESA.The purp...
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Financing space: options for SMEs and midcaps in EuropeJan 2021

11 February 2021, 14:00-16:30An up-to-date overview of financial instruments to fuel growth for ESA’s ecosystem of SMEs and midcaps.European space start-ups, SMEs and even midcaps have a problematic access to risk finance and loans needed to fuel t...
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Discussing impact assessment of Big Science projects during the FCC WeekDec 2020

In June 2019, a workshop on the “Economics of Science” was held in Brussels during the Future Circular Collider Week (FCC Week) organised by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The purpose of the meeting was to exchang...
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ESA and Metalysis Organised the First Grand Challenge Midterm WorkshopNov 2020

On November 9 and 10, ESA together with Metalysis organised an online workshop part of the Grand Challenge launched last December. The Metalysis – ESA Grand Challenge worth €500 000 and sponsored by UK’s Metalysis, will reward new miniatur...
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Value created by ESA's planetary defence initiative and Hera asteroid deflection missionOct 2020

In view of preparing Space 19+ and in order to inform decision makers on the impact of their investment on the European economy and society, ESA has conducted several studies to assess the socio-economic benefits of its programmes.One of these ...
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A closer look at the European Commission’s Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment ProjectsSep 2020

In December 2014, the European Commission published a “Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects” that aims to provide decision-makers with an analytical tool to assess investment decisions and evaluate their impact. These guide...
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Value created by ESA's Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S)Aug 2020

In preparation of Space19+ and to inform decision-makers on the impact of their investment on the European economy and society, ESA conducted several studies to assess the socio-economic benefits of its programmes.One of these assessments evaluate...
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OECD’s analysis of the impacts of Covid-19 on the space industryAug 2020

In July 2020, the OECD published an article on “The impacts of COVID-19 on the space industry”. It highlights the ever growing importance of space in society, but also shows how the crisis has exposed some of the sector’s weaknesses, and ...
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Watch again the GSEW OnlineAug 2020

Replay at this   link Day 1 of the online Global Space Economic Workshop - 'Space and the COVID-19 crisis: Opportunities for industry', recorded on 3 July 2020.Introduced by Eric Morel de Westgaver, ESA Director of Industry, Procuremen...
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A closer look at OECD’s methodology for assessing the scientific and socio-economic impact of research infrastructuresJun 2020

In March 2019, the OECD published a “Framework for assessing the scientific and socio-economic impact of Research Infrastructures”, that aims to provide funding organisations/agencies, decision-makers and Research Infrastructure (RI) manag...
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Non-space business? We want to hear from youJul 2020

Are you a non-space business, then ESA is looking for your help! Take a 10-minute survey about the potential use of space-related technology in your business, and help us understand how best to serve your needs and aspirations. Through the provi...
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