Space Architecture: Economic impacts, future developments and industrial perspectives of innovative construction techniques for the creation of habitats for the Moon and Mars

Space Architecture: Economic impacts, future developments and industrial perspectives of innovative construction techniques for the creation of habitats for the Moon and Mars [Apr/2021]


(The event starts at 16.00 (CET) on April 23rd) 

On Friday 23rd April, ESA_Lab @ Poliba is organising an online seminar focused on the economic impacts and industrial perspectives of the innovative construction techniques for the creation of habitats for the Moon and Mars.

This event is part of the ESA_Lab framework. Indeed, ESA, in the frame of ESA Basic Activities 2017-2019 for Science, Research, and Development is in the process of implementing new initiatives such as ESA_Lab with the objective to set up an institutional link between academia and ESA.

For more information on ESA_Lab you can visit this page

The goal of this seminar is to stimulate discussion on the topic between aerospace agencies, industry and academia, on future developments, perspectives, and impacts of enabling techniques and research for the new generation of space programs.

The expansion of the human sphere of influence in the solar system is closely linked to the development of the ability to use local resources. The Moon and Mars, main candidates for hosting the first human outposts in the heliosphere, offer a large number of raw materials useful for this purpose, but to effectively exploit the ISRU (In Situ Resources Utilization) it is necessary to develop advanced processing and processing techniques of the available materials. 

In this context, Space resources will be a major international topic in the next decade. It is important to foster industry, academia and agencies discussion and involvement, whilst thinking on the social and economic benefits in the near term here on Earth. 

The goal would be identify and create new scientific and economic opportunities for industry

and academia in the area of space resources and position science and industry to take advantage of these opportunities should they arise.

Additive Manufacturing (AM), has found rapid application in terrestrial industrial processes and maybe the keystone for developing the first extra-terrestrial settlements, as well as construction processes on earth. 


Date: Friday 23 April at 16:00 CET

Moderator: Vittorio Netti

Universities: PoliBa, PoliTo, PoliMi

Space Agencies: ESA, ASI

Research Institutions: CIRA

Industry: Renca, Dinishape, Wasp, Roboze,


16:00 Introduction: Vittorio Netti:

Institutional greetings: Francesco Cupertino Rector PoliBa, Guido Saracco Rector Polito

16.20 Research

Prof. Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli (PoliBa)

Prof. Giuseppe Fallacara (PoliBa)

Prof. Nicola Parisi (PoliBa)

Prof. Amedeo Manuello Bertetto (PoliTo)

Valentina Sumini, PhD (PoliMi)

17.30 Industry

Alex Reggiani (Renca)

Enrico Dini (Dinishape)

Lapo Naldoni (WASP)

Alessio Lorusso (Roboze)

18:30 Aerospace Agencies and Entities

Luca Del Monte (ESA)

Dr. Raffele Mugnolo (ASI)

Dr. Nunzia Favaloro (CIRA)

Dr. Melchiorre Conti (ESA) .

Dr. Tommaso Ghidini (ESA) 

19:30 Vittorio Netti: Closing and greetings

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