EARSC workshop showcasing 24 Copernicus Sentinel value case studies in Europe

EARSC workshop showcasing 24 Copernicus Sentinel value case studies in Europe [Dec/2021]

In November 2021 the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) organized a virtual workshop on “the story of how Copernicus benefits European citizens”. It showcased quantitative evidence from the Sentinels Benefits Study (SeBS)on how Copernicus data support market applications and the overall European economy and society.

24 case studies were presented, focussing on the socio-economic value of Sentinel satellites across Europe. The case studies have been developed under the oversight of ESA and funded by the European Commission (EC) as part of the Copernicus programme. With applications from ice-breaker coordination in the Baltic sea to wine making in France, over 15 European countries are covered in the case studies. The predicted monetary benefits of the individual studies vary between €103.000 and €116 million. For a closer look, three of the cases are showcased in a dedicated EARSC video

and a list of all case studies can be found here.

The workshop included four panel discussions between EARSC, ESA, and industry representatives, elaborating on the Copernicus Sentinel impact at the firm, societal, political, and environmental level.

The SeBS Panel Debates in particular discussed how:

  1. Copernicus Sentinels bring benefits to entrepreneurship and innovation.
  2. Copernicus Sentinels bring benefits to environment and policy making.
  3. Copernicus Sentinels bring benefits to environment and society.
  4. Building on SeBS: How can SeBS findings be leveraged to improve Copernicus Sentinels benefits in Europe?

More information about the studies and the other EARSC programmes can be found on EARSC website.

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