The OECD Space Forum launches second phase of research opportunity for students and academics on the Economics of Space Sustainability

The OECD Space Forum launches second phase of research opportunity for students and academics on the Economics of Space Sustainability [May/2022]

The OECD Space Forum is initiating the second stage of the Value and Sustainability of Space based Infrastructure project. The Space Forum team is seeking involvement from students and academics in disciplines such as economics, engineering, and computing, working alone or as part of small multi-disciplinary teams, to conduct academic research on one of three research questions.

The goal is to present an original research paper that will be presented to the international community in December 2023. After peer-review, the best papers will be selected and published in an OECD publication. The OECD Space Forum Secretariat and space experts will guide participants throughout the research process.

Participants are asked to pick one or multiple of the following statements of work to research:

  1. Understanding the value of space-based infrastructure (e.g. specific segments of the infrastructure such as earth observation, satellite telecommunications, human spaceflight infrastructure)
  2. Evaluating the impacts of space debris incidents, including impacts on society (e.g. denial of service) and specific users (e.g. operators themselves, government users)
  3. Identifying the effects of policy options for addressing space debris (e.g. taxation, insurance, active debris removal, etc.)

The deadline for formally registering interest in participating in the project is 15 July 2022.

For further information on the project and how to participate, see the dedicated OECD project webpage here.

The 2020 OECD publication on “The economics of space debris in perspective” is available here.

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