EARSC showcasing Copernicus uses for Environmental Compliance Assurance [Apr/2022]
The European Association of Remote Sensing
Companies (EARSC) published its findings about the possible contribution of
Copernicus Sentinels data to environmental compliance assurance. This contribution
is analysed based on Sentinel data used across multiple case studies,
evaluating Copernicus’ (potential) impact on implementation and enforcement of
various environmental policies. This report is part of a set of cross-cutting
analysis performed as part of the overarching project.
Since its creation, the
environmental mission has been at the core of the Copernicus programme. By
collecting vast amounts of freely and openly available data, the programme
offers services to support environmental monitoring for both, the downstream
industry and public actors. Through the regular provision of data, enforcement
entities are enabled to properly execute European law by detecting violations
fast and reliably. This is especially crucial within Europe, given the high
environmental standards applied by policies within its member states. However,
often Copernicus data does not need to be applied by authorities to have a
positive environmental impact. Instead, the pure presence of its monitoring
capabilities is found to deter potential offenders in the first place.
In detail, the use-case studies
determined that Copernicus can play an environmental protection role among the entire
policy cycle: Firstly, during the preparation and design of new policies
Sentinel data can be used to identify the as-is situation and technical
parameters applicable. Secondly, in the implementation phase, Sentinel
data can assist with monitoring and compliance checks. Lastly, in the evaluation
phase, Earth Observation data allows for before-and-after comparisons of areas
to identify and document fundamental changes. At all stages, the Copernicus
programme raises the transparency and liability of environmental impacts across
and beyond Europe. An example of this can be observed in Finland, where
Sentinel 2A and 2B based satellite images have been used to monitor the amount
of turbidity caused by dredging of local companies. The accurate and frequent
observations allowed to enforce the set maximum thresholds (except for very
small dredging sites) so efficiently that the Finnish Environmental Institute
now aims to increase their usage of EO services for further use cases.
With the clear up-site of Copernicus
Environmental Compliance Assurance in mind, one must consider the obstacles
still hindering the programme from its full potential. Besides an identified
lack of awareness among interviewed stakeholders in the case studies, the EARSC
highlights the legal roadblocks for utilizing satellite imagery in court.
Furthermore, few EU policies actively encourage the use of Earth Observation
data, which leads to untapped potential in the field. If unlocked properly,
Copernicus holds the potential to even further environmental compliance
assistance. A positive display of how the program can assist when enabled by EU
policy is the Common Agricultural Policy offering 22 million farmers fast
and widespread information on their agricultural land. Sentinel data are
offered to monitor and track crop development on the fields, even displaying
granular information on crop diversification, without having the need for
physical visits.
For more information and access to
the full EARSC study, please click here.
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