ESA ARTES Partnership Projects, providing the satcom industry with the right environment to introduce innovative space-based solutions systems into the commercial market

ESA ARTES Partnership Projects, providing the satcom industry with the right environment to introduce innovative space-based solutions systems into the commercial market [Jun/2022]

ESA ARTES Partnership Projects federate industry around large-scale programmes, developing innovative cutting-edge solutions in partnership with private or public operators. This innovative approach allows European prime contractors and equipment suppliers to be competitive in the satcom market. The socio-economic benefits of Partnership Projects are regularly assessed.

A study by the consulting company Euroconsult was conducted to evaluate the socio-economic impacts of:

  • Novacom, the development of two new GEO comsat platforms (Novacom I and II); and
  • Pioneer, the development of 6 projects for smallsat systems and services: Sapion, Striving, Faraday, SaaS, xSpancion, and IODA.

The technological, strategic and economic impacts of these partnership projects were assessed through economic modelling and stakeholder consultations. The top five benefits for key stakeholders of these specific Partnership Projects were found to be:

  1. Technical expertise (realised or expected at 100%), which is a technological benefit in terms of the enhancement of the staff’s skills and knowledge thanks to the projects;
  2. Internal processes and operations improvement (realised or expected at 90%), which is a technological benefit in terms of increased efficiency enabled by the projects;
  3. Jobs maintained (realised or expected at 90%), which is an economic benefit in terms of jobs maintained or expected to be maintained to execute the projects;
  4. Brand visibility (realised or expected at 87%), which is a strategic benefit for the entities involved in the projects;
  5. TRL increase (realised or expected at 86%), which is a technological benefit in terms of technological advancements enabled by the projects.

The economic impacts in terms of additional sales, Gross Value Added, taxes and employment were also quantified across the period 2023-2030. Additional sales were estimated at about €9 billion with similar volumes for the two Novacom projects.

To access the key findings of the report, please click here.

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