ESA joins the Universeh inaugural conference to address the Future of Work in the space sector

ESA joins the Universeh inaugural conference to address the Future of Work in the space sector [Oct/2021]

October 2021 ESA participated to the inaugural event of the European Space University for Earth and Humanity (UNIVERSEH).

Géraldine Naja, ESA’s Acting Director for Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement gave a keynote speech on ESA’s vision of the future. Charlotte Mathieu, Head of the Industrial Policy and Economic Analysis Section participated in two roundtables on the future skills that will be needed in the space sector and presented the results of a recent work conducted by ESA with the European space industry on :

  • The evolution of the space sector in the coming decade;
  • The new skills and competences needed by the space sector to remain competitive; and,
  • How to ensure that the space sector keep on attracting the best and right talents.

Roundtable on the future of work at the UNIVERSEH inaugural event

Roundtable on the future of work at the UNIVERSEH inaugural event

UNIVERSEH is an alliance of:

  1. University Fédérale de Toulouse (France);
  2. University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg);
  3. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany);
  4. Luleå tekniska universitet (Sweden);
  5. AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland).

The alliance focuses on the development of educational activities and innovative collaborations in the European space sector. Reflecting European values, UNIVERSEH’s objectives are to facilitate mobility and multilingualism, promote student inclusion and diversity, support interdisciplinary programmes, and strengthen pedagogical innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. UNIVERSEH encourages the thematic mobility of students and teachers, promotes cooperation between higher education institutions and facilitates interaction on issues common to the European education systems. The alliance draws on its expertise, experience and relations with industry and public institutions in the space sector. UNIVERSEH was created in 2020 as part of the Erasmus+ “European Universities” initiative of the European Commission. Together, partners have the potential to reach more than 140,000 students, researchers and staff.

This cooperation is supported by a wide range of partners, such as students’ associations, space agencies (including ESA), industrial and private partners and public bodies.

More information and videos of the round tables can be found on UNIVERSEH website.

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