ESA title
ECSECO Space Economy Days 2025

ECSECO Space Economy Days 2025 [Mar/2025]

In January 2025 the ESA Headquarters in Paris hosted for two days the second edition of the Space Economy Days, bringing together the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce (ECSECO) community to explore "Measuring Space Benefits for Earth." Over the two days 67 ECSECO members joined in person as well as online.

The first day saw the welcoming remarks from Director, Geraldine Naja (ESA) and a great scene-setting by Vito Albino (ECSECO Chair). As well as a great introduction speech on "Why impact assessment" by Isabella Poldrugo, Deputy Head of Unit, EU Space Policy DG DEFIS, EC. Insightful presentations on the economic impacts of space for Europe and the US by Rob Harbron & Tacye Hong (Oxford Economics) and Patrick Besha (NASA) followed later in the day. Thought-provoking sessions on the environmental impacts of space were held by Jessica Delaval (ESA Clean Space) and Natacha Wonneberger(Deloitte) delving into sustainability challenges and opportunities.The first day ended with a Networking cocktails, discussions and hopefully numerous new connections.

The second day kicked off with a powerful keynote by Dan Hodges (UKRI) and fascinating insights into research and innovation frameworks from Alyssa Frayling and Ewan Dallas ( It was followed by inspiring talks on societal impacts, including NEO risk management by Mathieu Luinaud (PWC), water management through Earth observation by Geoff Sawyer (EARSC) and Alessandra Tassa (ESA), and an in-depth look at the EU Space Programme’s benefits by Martin Sunkevic (EUSPA) and Marco Bolchi(EY).

The packed program of the second edition of the Space Economy Days allowed an in-depth analysis of where the impact assessment of investments in Space Economy is going, with a special focus on the future development of new methodologies for measuring the socioeconomic effects of such phenomena.

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